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kate ventress headshot who is a family and wedding photographe in the uk offering an instragram hashtag guide for photographers

Hi, I'm Kate.

Kate Ventress 

Instagram Hashtag Guide for Photographers

Do you ever feel like the algorithm is against you?

Ever thought "Instagram hates me"?

You keep posting, your slapping hashtags in there like there's no tomorrow and the reach just isn’t there?

Or worse, you keep attracting competitors?

Picture this... you've prepped your latest Instagram post. The photo is amazing, the caption is perfect. You include your hashtags, hit post and BOOM! You've got engagement, gained new followers, you've had enquiries. You've cracked it! The world of Instagram suddenly makes sense and is yours for the taking... 

A few days later, you post again. You follow the same steps as last time but...tumbleweed. No engagement. No new followers. Your inbox is empty. What has happened? 

Don't panic, you've not broken Instagram! This is so common and I'm here to help. 


I will give you all the intel about what hashtags are, how they work, and how best to use them. This course is for you if you'd like to help your posts to perform better and improve your reach to the right people. More reach means more people seeing your work and ultimately more clients.

Using a successful Instagram hashtag strategy has helped me grow my following, increase engagement and book more clients for my photography business. 

Buy now to reveal the full power of hashtags and make Instagram one of your enquiry streams!


Kate XX

kate ventress a photographer sits in a chair to give advice with her instagram hashtag guide for photographers


Kate’s hashtag course is brilliant. I thought I was pretty Instagram savvy but Kate helped me to see how I could use hashtags in a different way in order to support my business and she shared so many helpful gems! Kate herself is friendly and informative and it was a pleasure learning from her. Thank you so much Kate! - Chloe

review image for instagram hashtag guide for photographers by kate ventress family and wedding photography uk

Kate’s hashtag course was so informative, she explained everything in great detail and offered a range of examples of hashtags used for a specific target audiences eg, community, feature etc. She explained different areas such as banned hashtags, advanced settings and many other ways to grow your target audience. I felt comfortable to ask a question if needed. Kate is so lovely and approachable thank you!

review image for instagram hashtag guide for photographers by kate ventress family and wedding photography uk

Since Kate's Hashtag course, I’ve really honed in on my target audience and now use #’s that they use. This has positively impacted the amount of none followers seeing my posts which has gained me more new followers and most importantly more bookings from my ideal clients.



This PDF + video workshop includes a live recording where I shared all my hashtag knowledge and use it daily to get results. And, you also get my PDF hashtag guide that is jam-packed with info, tips & tricks.





Let me answer those for you...

Ready to use hashtags to grow your Instagram?

work with me!

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